For All Rental Transactions

Would you like both mid and end of month payments to be made to you or just one payment?
Mid monthEnd of monthBoth
Would you like your property to be signed up to Smoke Alarms Australia or Detector Inspector?
Would you like our office to collect rates and water notices from the council and pay these on your behalf?
Would you like to be communicated with mainly by phone or email?
Do you consent to emails being sent to your nominated email address?
If your property is fitted with an evaporative cooler, would you like annual start up and shut downs services
to be performed on your property?
YesNoNot Applicable
If your property is attached to strata, would you like our office to pay strata levies for you?
YesNoNot Applicable
Does your property require a water audit to be carried out? Please note, water rates cannot be charged to
your tenant if the property is not water compliant.
For maintenance requests, do you require our office to contact you first to carry out all repairs or would
you like to be informed of the matters using an expenditure limit for repairs?
Part of our obligation to you, is to ensure that regular routine inspections are carried out. Our
recommendation is that they are carried out 6 monthly as we are only able to do 4 per year and this allows
us to reattend if there are issues we want rectified. How often would you like your routine inspections to be
3 Monthly6 Monthly
Do you have a swimming pool at your property? Is it compliant?
YesNoNot Applicable